3 years ago, we created MGME by combining three legacy companies, each with a rich history, culture, and team. We struggled to find our collective voice early on. It took time to gel as one team. When it felt like we had really found our groove, the universe threw us a curve ball in the form of the first global pandemic in our time. If this happened a year earlier, I am not sure that our team would have held together. But our incredible group of dedicated individuals pulled together and did whatever was necessary to get us to the other side. They pulled together while they were scared for their families, scared for their health, and had no idea what could happen to this company that they gave their heart and soul to.

As the pandemic draws to an end and the world opens back up, this is a great opportunity to reflect on what we accomplished with pride. While the events industry was on pause, we grew an extensive virtual events capacity. We now have a team that creates engaging, mind-blowing, and strategic digital experiences.

Go Beyond

We support live, virtual, and hybrid large-scale company trainings, sales meetings, advisory board meetings and so much more. We built out our creative agency to compete with the largest agencies in our industry and onboarded some of the most talented people in production and creative that I have ever met. When a pharmaceutical client tasked the team to produce 6 films for the launch of a Covid-19 therapeutic in just under a few weeks, they went above and beyond.

We have seen fantastic growth in our association business, corporate events, and our life sciences practice. Through it all, we preserved the backbone of the company that got us where we are.

MGME owes an enormous thank you to so many people. To our team - thank you for your hard work, loyalty, sacrifice, creativity, and dedication to our clients. You are all the reason for our success, and you are my inspiration. To our clients - thank you for the trust and loyalty you have shown us. We are so grateful to you all for allowing us to create experiences for your attendees - creating human connections both virtually and around the world. As the world comes back, we are here and ready!

Coming into our fourth year, we are poised for the next phase of corporate growth. Keep watching us this year. I hope that you are as excited as we are for the future and ready to meet us there.

Jeff Guberman
Chief Executive Officer
McVeigh Global Meetings and Events
Email Jeff