Most companies are now entrusting their events to corporate-events planners. This is a wise business decision. Planning a corporate event by yourself is certainly no easy task. When searching for a corporate-events planner, it’s important to look for one that has a track record of proven results. A corporate-events planner that exemplifies the four qualities mentioned in this article is one that will help your next corporate event meet all of its predetermined goals.

Quality #1—Leadership
A corporate event always involves a lot of people. A corporate-events planner must be a leader who knows how to effectively communicate with different types of people across multiple platforms. They must have the skills needed to listen to you and get a great feel for your company, customers, and employees. They must also have the leadership skills required to craft an event that targets your intended audience. Some of the most common types of corporate events include the following:

  • A guest speaker event
  • A social networking event
  • A customer or employee appreciation event
  • A board or shareholder meeting
  • A product launch event

A corporate-events planner who is a leader is able to create your event and then enable all of its working parts to move in the same direction—again, ensuring the event reaches its goals.

Quality #2—Salesmanship
An often overlooked quality is salesmanship. Planning an event is obviously very important, but all the planning in the world means nothing if people don’t show up. An event planner that’s persuasive and patient knows how to take care of all the details that play an important role in guests actually deciding to come to your event. Promotional skills and techniques include:

  • Polite, kind, and courteous telephone calls
  • Professional emails
  • Professional invitations

Regardless of its medium, a good event planner knows that an invitation should always include all the specifics regarding the event. The recipient of the invitation will know exactly when and where the event will be. They’ll also know the type of event and the event schedule.

Quality #3—Organized
Organization is a must. A well laid-out schedule from start to finish is essential for an event to be successful. Event planners who are organized use their personal skills and technology to create schedules that are easy for you, your employees, and your guests to understand and follow. In many cases, an event planner will be responsible for various groups of event workers. Only an organized event planner knows how to keep event workers on the same page and moving in the right direction at all times.

Quality #4—Personable
Events revolve around people. Event planners have to be personable. They have to know how to connect with others and always display an upbeat and positive attitude. The mood, flow, and tone of an event are always set by an event planner. Personable event planners are able to “think like your attendee.” They know exactly what your attendees want before they want it. Everything from start to finish is planned in advance so the event can be one in which people relate to one another. Features that when taken care of properly will ensure your event is a personal one include:

  • Lighting
  • Seating arrangements
  • Location of drinks and food
  • Music type and volume
  • Building acoustics

All of these things are taken care of well in advance. Workers are assigned to specific duties and know exactly how to set up the event.

The best corporate events planners are those that are leaders and salesman. They’re also organized and personable. While exhibiting these four qualities, they’re able to create events that consistently produce results. If you’re thinking about hiring a corporate-events planner to help turn your business into something special, the information in this article is a great resource for you. If you need some help or would like to arrange a consultation with one of our corporate-events planners, please don’t hesitate to contact us today.