An event speaker with an impressive resume can significantly contribute to the size of your guest list. Whether they’re an industry thought-leader or providing the entertainment, event speakers are meant to engage the audience, pique their interest, and an event draw.

However, an event speaker with even the strongest resume can still make some missteps and lose the interest of attendees. According to Event Manager Blog, an event speaker should consider the following points to ensure they have a successful presentation.

  1. Sometimes less is more
    Have you ever sat through a presentation only to glance at your watch so often that it feels like time is standing still? This is a terrible implication that a speaker has been on stage far too long. Speakers should be very clock-conscience and realize that a short presentation can be more effective than a long-winded one.
  2. Don’t ad lib too much    
    Going off script when it’s appropriate is very entertaining. Playing off an audience keeps a presentation fresh, but it’s important to recognize when to stick to what you know. Ad-libbing provides an opportunity for the unexpected, and the unexpected is the quickest way to derail a presentation.
  3. Keep the “shop talk” to a minimum
    An event speaker should be an expert in their industry, but that doesn’t mean the audience is on the same page. Using too much industry language – or shop talk – can alienate the audience and confuse them.
  4. Harness technology
    Technology goes a long way when it comes to engaging an audience. In addition to providing compelling visuals, technology allows attendees to be part of the experience through polls and other engagement tools. However, a speaker should always have a backup plan in the event of uncooperative tech.
  5. Be accessible
    People who attend speaking sessions probably want to know more than the presenter offers upfront. An excellent presenter is available to the audience in numerous ways. They shouldn’t be afraid to expand on certain areas and answer questions or concerns. Holding a questions and answers session at the end is the perfect forum to be accessible to the audience.

Read more tips at Event Manager Blog

Speakers have a positive impact on any agenda, and they can help add an educational aspect to an event. Finding a great event speaker can be a difficult task, but the team at McVeigh Global Meetings and Events has years of experience identifying complementary individuals.

Contact McVeigh Global Meetings and Events and let’s turn your next event into a can’t-miss affair!