Murphy’s law dictates that anything that can go wrong, will go wrong, and should disaster strike during your next corporate event, techsytalk offers the following tips to handle it.

1. Don’t Panic Most issues that arise during a major corporate event are easy to solve, especially if you keep a level head. In fact, if you completely lose it at the first sign of a problem, you could make it much worse, so keep your cool!

2. Have a sense of humor Laughter is the best medicine, and the same prescription can be used to heal your event disaster. Rather than take the stress out on yourself or your team, try to laugh it off while looking for a quick fix.  

3. Communicate Two heads are better than one, so talk to your team and vendors at the first sign of a problem. If you can pull off a quick brainstorming session and come up with a solution, you might be able to solve any problem before your guests notice.

4. Be flexible With so many different moving parts at a large corporate event, one could hit a speed bump. For example, if you scheduled a keynote speaker to open your event, but their flight gets delayed, simply change it to midday or closing speaker. It’s that easy!  

5. You’re all in this together It maybe your event, but take a moment to look around and recognize everyone there that’s willing to help out during a problem. Knowing you have the support of a talented and dedicated team, like the one at McVeigh Global Meetings and Events, will help you overcome any issue.