Next time you’re in a crowded place, check the wrists of those around you. Chances are you’ll see numerous smartwatches, and according to EventMarketer, these devices will have a big role in the future of events.

  1. Smartwatches will take networking to a whole new level
    Exchanging information during a networking event might seem easy right now, but when you consider what a smartwatch can do for the experience, exchanging business cards and shuffling through your smartphone seem pretty archaic. With a simple flick of the wrist, two parties with smartwatches can exchange contact information, and better yet, you can do it with a drink in your hand.
  2. Accurately track attendee habits
    The Apple Watch SDK (software developer kit) provides the tools needed to build an event app that’s compatible with smartwatches. With this program in place, you’ll get a better understanding of attendees’ habits and how they engage the event app housed on their wrists.
  3. Smartwatches will make events more personal
    With smartwatches, the days of event attendees glued to their smartphones instead of conversing with those around them will be in the rearview mirror. Furthermore, by introducing smartwatch event apps, attendees can get a head start on personalizing their event experience by familiarizing themselves with the schedule, speakers, activities, and entertainment well ahead of time.
  4. Shifting marketing materials
    One of the biggest trends in event marketing materials is the introduction of video. However, event marketers may need to rethink this angle, as a video may not have the same hard-hitting impact on the tiny screen of a smartwatch. Instead, marketing materials optimized for smartwatches will need to be more text and infographic based.
  5. Integrate with other technologies
    Smartwatches significantly improve the power of push notifications in the event space. Large corporate events can be distracting and overwhelming, but with a device on an attendee’s wrist reminding them of upcoming sessions and activities, they can prevent letting anything fall between the cracks. Also, smartwatches offer a more integrated experience with barcodes, QR code scanning, check-in and lead retrieval.

Read more at Event Marketer

It seems like only yesterday when the Apple Watch was introduced to the market, but there are already numerous hardware and software updates slated for release. In the coming year, we expect to see smartwatches become increasing ubiquitous with both event planning and the attendee experience.

Want to learn more about how you can harness the power of smartwatches for your next event? Contact us today!