Millennials are one of the toughest demographics to target with events. However, according to BizBash, this age group represents more than $200 billion in annual buying power, so attracting them is a must for any company.

In a recent podcast hosted by Brandt Kreuger and Audrey Gallien and featuring BizBash CEO and founder David Adler, the “Millennial mindset” is put under the microscope. Trends discussed include the concept of authenticity, the power of personalization, the end of long lines, when PowerPoint doesn’t work, and sympathy tweeting.

Once interesting part of the podcast highlighted team building among Millennials in the workspace:

“I’m talking from the team building side of the business and Millennials are looking for something new, more advanced than what is typically out there at these events.”

Give the podcast a listen, you won’t be disappointed, and you might even learn a thing or two.

The team at McVeigh Global Meetings and Events is always looking for the newest ways to put on cutting-edge events that appeal to attendees of every generation. There are constant changes in event decor theme, event technology, preferred venues, and what attendees are interested in. Let’s start a conversation today, and see what we can do for your future events.