Putting on a conference can be a make or break in the business world. Companies that host a great conference establish themselves as a trustworthy industry expert. Companies that put on a less than stellar conference may appear incapable and unorganized—someone you’d never want to do business with. To ensure you get the most out of your next conference, you should hire a professional conference planner. Here are five reasons why you need a professional when it comes to conference planning:

1. Experience

Everyone knows that putting on a conference is no easy task, but not everyone can tell you exactly why. The reason for this is experience. Only a professional conference planner has the experience needed to think and plan for everything that can happen in a live conference environment. Covering every single detail from start to finish ensures that a conference is organized, informative, and fun. The best conference planners are those that have been in business for a long time and have a long list of satisfied clients.

2. Knowledge

With experience comes knowledge, which is another key ingredient to a successful conference. The best conferences are those in which the person in charge uses their knowledge to take full advantage of resources. The invaluable asset of a professional conference planner is unprecedented market and vendor knowledge. Communicating efficiently with outside parties ensures a conference gets maximum results and runs smoothly. More often than not, a professional conference planner can also get businesses great industry discounts that lead to cost savings.

3. Results

When all is said and done, results are the only outcome that counts. A conference that is fun and exciting but doesn’t get results does a business no good. One of the things that a professional conference planner should be able to show a company is a track record of consistent results. The planner should be able to explain to the company how their conference results will be the same and different from those events produced before. A company should never hire a conference planner that doesn’t have a track record of results, positive testimonials, and great references.

4. Long-term solutions

The best professional conference planners are those that listen to their clients’ mission and goals. They plan a conference keeping the mission and goals in mind so that the event reflects and benefits the company. This type of client-focused approach enables companies to create long-term meeting and conference solutions. They are able to implement effective practices at will and with ease. Companies will quickly be established as an industry expert and industry recognition, sales, referrals, and contacts increase. These companies will be seen as trustworthy and easy to work with.

5. Increased revenue

A conference should always increase revenue. Of course, revenue will not automatically skyrocket after a successful conference; however, it should steadily increase for months or even years. A professional conference planner is able to look at a company’s current revenue and find ways to improve it by hosting a conference. They are able to focus on very specific areas that can increase revenue—and then incorporate those details into a conference.

The most successful conferences are always those that are planned by a professional conference planner. The experience and knowledge of a professional conference planner can be put to good use by providing companies with results, long-term solutions, and increased revenue. If you are interested in a conference planning solution, please contact our office to arrange a one-on-one consultation with one of our professional conference planners.