Choosing a venue, ordering food, and inviting guests are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to event planning. Although planning an event may sound easy in theory, when it comes to throwing the perfect soiree, there is much more than meets the eye. In fact, hiring an experienced event planner could be the difference between a successful event and a failure. According to Whova there are 21 checklist details that are commonly missed. An experienced event planner will check all of these and more.

Is your venue able to hold the number of guests you are planning to attend? Does your venue have alcohol licensing? Does your venue work with caterers that provide discounts? These are all questions that an experienced event planner can answer when recommending their venues of choice for your event. If you are considering hiring an event planner for your upcoming event then consider these three reasons why you need a professional’s help during the event planning process.

1. Knowledge of venue, price, and market
Going over budget, venue space, and even selecting an appropriate venue for your guests are all factors that should be considered when planning your event. Due to their constant involvement in the field, event planners make connections with venues that provide them with first-hand knowledge of the venues price, space, and even style. These event planners will work with several venues repeatedly, and after gathering a few details about your specific event, they are able to select a venue that will work for your budget while meeting any specific requirements that you have outlined. Most planners even receive special discounted rates after having built a rapport with the venue that they have in mind for your event. Furthermore, their knowledge of your market or clientele will help them to focus on a specific venue to meet your needs and make the event a huge success.

2. Negotiation power
While you may be a strong negotiator, event planners definitely have the upper hand in this area. Through relationships with their existing clients, repeat business, referrals, and new clients, they are constantly motivated to interact with available venues and are better positioned to provide the venues, caterers, and other services with repeat business. This is a huge advantage to event planners, really helping them to understand their seller as well as, if not more than, they know their clients. These planners are constantly working with event-planning services and venues. This constant exposure gives them first-hand knowledge of which catering companies work with which venues and helps them to create a package of services that fits your needs. These planners may have worked with these businesses in the past, which puts them in a position to negotiate a price that meets your budget.

3. They understand different scenarios and how to avoid them
Contract management and facilitation, serving alcohol with minors present, and poor weather for outdoor events are just a few examples of different risk factors that event planners deal with. These planners are not only familiar with the potential risks when planning an event, but a good planner has a backup plan set in place to ensure the client never even realizes there is a problem. Preparing for these potential risks is difficult enough for an experienced planner; however, imagining every possible scenario without prior experience can leave room for mistake and put the success of your event at risk. Hiring an experienced event planner will create a stress-free, enjoyable event for both you and your guests.

If you have any questions or would like to speak with a professional event planner, contact us today.