Hacking and cybersecurity incidents have grown to a dangerous level these past few years, whether the target has been the government, social media, or a giant corporation. Add to that the problem of identity theft, and it’s understandable why so many people are nervous about how and why their data is used. Your event attendees are no different. While the area of event planning may not seem a likely target for a data breach, it’s imperative in this digital age that you plan ahead and lock in cybersecurity for event attendees to keep their data secure.

If the task of securing everyone’s data at a corporate event may seem intimidating, don’t worry. Data breaches may be on the rise, but so are data security methods. If you stay on top of the latest practices, you can keep your attendees’ data safe. Here are a few ways to make sure your cybersecurity for event attendees is working:

1. Understand the definition of personal data and the regulations
It’s crucial to be aware of event cybersecurity while you’re planning and promoting your event, not just at the event itself. Make sure you understand personal data and the regulations around it when you’re in the first planning stages. Do your research and understand how you and any sort of technology or third-party system you use for your event works with personal data. What are you going to be asking event attendees for and what do you need to protect? Also know the laws and regulations around data security and what constitutes personal data.

2. Get to know your technology providers’ standards
It’s not just your company’s data or the data your company handles firsthand that you have to think about. As the host of an event, it’s also your job to understand how data is obtained, used, and secured through all the technology providers and third-party tools you use for the event as well. Make sure you read the privacy policies, and ask your technology providers about how they’re keeping your data and your event attendees’ data safe. Then, to make sure your guests know how you’ll use their data and keep it safe, make that information public so it’s easily accessible should an event attendee have a question.

3. All data matters
At the end of the day, all data is important to your event attendees, which makes it crucial to you, too. Everything should be secured, so do everything you can to protect personal data and make sure all your event information is secure. It’s not just about the day of the event. Think about the basic, everyday technology you use: your email, your website—even the passwords you use day to day. Research the best ways to keep yourself, your company, and your event attendees safe online, and put those best practices to use during the planning phase as well as at your event itself.

Cybersecurity can be an intimidating task, especially if you don’t normally work in the technology or data industries. But in the age of digital technology and data, it’s crucial for every industry to understand the best practices around securing personal information and put them to use. Plus, putting an emphasis on cybersecurity for event attendees will also make attendees, clients, and customers feel more at ease using your products and attending your events. No matter what job or industry you work in, it’s crucial to keep up to date with the latest and most effective ways to secure data.

If you need help with cybersecurity for your event, we’re always available for a one-on-one consultation. One of our specialists will work with you to learn about your business and event. The perfect plan will be created to help you reach all of your goals. To make your next event not only a memorable one, but also a secure one, call us at 888-439-1403 or click here for more information.