Throwing a successful event takes a lot of practice, and collecting feedback from attendees can certainly help. Even though all this valuable feedback is staring you in the face, gathering it can be a daunting task. Luckily, MeetingsNet has a few pointers to get the process started.

1. Surveys
If you’re looking to collect quantitative and qualitative data about your event, then ask attendees to fill out a survey. Make it even easier for them by offering closed-ended multiple-choice questions. Provide a few open-ended questions, such as fill-in-the-blank questions and essay questions, so takers can touch on areas you may not have considered. A small incentive, like a gift card or ticket discount, for survey takers, can help with turnout.

2. Focus groups
Hosting small focus groups can uncover some in-depth answers to subjective questions. By providing an interactive environment for free-flowing conversation, you can get some unique responses.

Focus groups are also very beneficial for exhibitors. However, attendees and exhibitors often have very different goals, perspectives, and experiences so make sure you hold separate sessions. Each focus group should have a moderator and note taker who stays out of the conversation – the last thing you want is to miss any valuable insight.

3. Have a conversation
People have a tendency to hold back their true opinions when critiquing an event – especially when it’s in a formal environment. To get a more accurate pulse on how your event is performing, take to the floor and ask attendees in the moment. This instant feedback may yield something you can fix immediately or something to keep in mind for the next event.

Read more about tips for collecting event feedback at MeetingsNet.

Here at McVeigh Global Meetings and Events, we’re experts at fielding attendee feedback. In fact, we thrive on constructive criticism. Partner with us today – our decades of collecting attendee insight will help make your next event a hit.