Innovation and event planning go hand-in-hand, and your venue choice can have a big influence. Hello Endless recently outlined some steps you can take to identify the perfect place to inspire the innovative spirit. 

  1. It all starts with a theme
    A strong theme is the first step to establishing a creative environment, and it helps with the venue search. For example, if you’re trying to inspire creativity your venue may want to be futuristic and encourage collaboration between attendees. 
  2. Take advantage of time and place
    Popular venues often have great designs and features that naturally inspire innovation. However, the more popular the venue, the bigger the price tag. Consider hosting your event at a popular place during off hours to reduce the overall cost. 
  3. Look for “outside-the-box” venues
    Hosting an innovative event in a venue outside the norm will really get those creative juices flowing. Instead of using a space exclusively for events, consider a mix-use alternative, such as an artist studio, public space, or art gallery.  
  4. Keep it green
    Sustainability is a major and hopefully lasting trend in innovation, and numerous event planning experts anticipate it to play a much bigger role in future event themes. Consider an event space boasting creative designs that also address environmental challenges.

Read more about innovative event spaces at Hello Endless.

The innovative team at McVeigh Global Meetings and Events is here to help turn your dream into a reality. Our team of event planning experts has a combined 150+ years of experience in the events industry and we’re only getting started. 

Let’s build a future together, partner with us today!