Picking up new event sponsors is both exciting and challenging, especially when you are still in the negotiating stage. But what should you be asking sponsors for when it comes to supporting and services? While their level of involvement can vary greatly, here are several reliable things, both big and small, that you should request when making arrangements for your sponsor – and making sure you both walk away from the table happy.

A Meeting

Sounds simple – but that isn’t always the case. Depending on the company you’re working with, you may not get a conversation at all, or at least not a conversation with the people you really want to talk to. To clear things up, it’s a smart idea to ask for a meeting (in person is great, but web conferences work as well) and scheduling a date during your first conversation. Talk about what’s important to you and what you need in a direct way, and avoid any stall tactics.

Attendee Services

Out of all the things you can ask sponsors for, one of the most useful things is support in the way of attendee services. You see, sponsors with a presence at your event – especially an active presence like a booth – are also highly invested in pleasing and engaging with attendees. They will often be eager to offer or fund these types of services because it helps them as well as taking some weight off your back. From Wi-Fi charge stations to bottled water, think of services that your attendees will appreciate because these are more likely to be approved.


If your sponsor is capable of publishing your event online or anywhere else, make sure to ask for that publication/advertisement. It sounds pretty basic, but we love this question because it can lead to so much more. Ask for publication, and you could end up with guest bloggers, Facebook contests, joint announcements in the newspaper, and a whole lot of attention-grabbing content that can drive traffic and increase engagement for your event.

Logo Delivery

Some sponsors just want to buy logo space, and that’s fine. But unless you offer to create the logo yourself from your preferred vendor, ask for logo delivery. It sounds simple, but there are a lot of sponsors out there who will simply say, “Okay, we have our logo, come pick it up.” That’s an unnecessary and potentially confusing trip that you really shouldn’t have to make. So let them know where to drop logo materials off.

Sticking to the Schedule

Sponsors really need to stick to the venue schedule…but they don’t. Active sponsors need to know when attendees have breaks and when they need to return – in other words, what hours attendees will be active on the floor and available. So let them know your schedule, and make sure you make room for attendees and sponsors to spend time together…but also have a firm line for getting those attendees back to the presentation.

Help with Cleanup

Hey, it’s not always possible, but it’s often worth asking. Ask if anyone will be available to stay around after the event and help out with any teardown or cleanup tasks that you need to take care of.

Need more advice when it comes to picking up the right sponsors? Contact us at McVeigh Global Meetings and Events and let’s create a sponsorship plan that works for you!