Planning a corporate event on your own can be a daunting task, but with the help of the professionals at McVeigh Global Meetings and Events, it’s a breeze. However, a professional event-planning team isn’t the only thing that can help make your event a success. Have you ever considered finding event sponsorship?

Sponsors are a great way to legitimize your event while also assisting with mounting costs. But without the proper game plan sponsors can be difficult to attract. Luckily, with the following tips from Techsytalk, you can help your cause when putting together a sponsorship proposal.

1. Target your value proposition

A value proposition gives prospective sponsors an idea of your vision. It clearly defines what your event is and why their brand is a perfect sponsor. Try to make your value proposition no more than a couple paragraphs long – you don’t want to bore them. Include the event’s mission, highlight the target audience, summarize sponsor benefits, and how a partnership benefits both parties.

2. Do your research

Rather than hitting up everyone under the sun as a potential sponsor, try only to target those that make sense. Unless your event is relevant to every single demographic, you need to conduct research to determine sponsors with similar goals and missions. 

3. Don’t get off topic

A sponsorship should take no more than five minutes to read. Anything longer and you put decision makers to sleep. Techsytalk recommends following the “less is more” principle and get rid of the fluff.

 4. Make it look good

A compelling sponsorship proposal starts with a strong first impression. Want to be taken seriously? Use a graphic designer to make the proposal look clean and professional. Attractive imagery and easy-to-read typeface also help generate interest.

 5. Break the ice

Sales emails are easy to spot but tough to get a sponsor to take seriously. During your initial introduction – even before you send the proposal itself – try to start a conversation. Make the introductory email brief and on point, while making it about the potential sponsor rather than the event itself.

6. Get their attention

Decision makers go through pages and pages of proposals every day, so get their attention with a fresh, unique voice. Like any great book, newspaper article, movie, or song, the introduction needs to grab the attention of the audience and keep them captivated.

 7. Get on the same page

It’s easy to send the same proposal to a dozen or so sponsors. However, proposals are rarely one-size-fits-all. Try tailoring each proposal to the target sponsor. It will speak more directly to them while showing you’ve taken the time to customize the proposal.

Once you have snagged your sponsors, be sure to keep the red carpet rolled out for them and partner with McVeigh Global Meetings and Events. Our meetings and events experts will ensure all of their needs are met with seamless management.