Instagram is a fantastic tool to help amplify your event marketing efforts. In fact, a study from Forrester Research shows that Instagram posts generate a per-follower engagement rate of 4.21%, which is 58 times more than Facebook and 120 times more than Twitter.

These are some hard-hitting facts, and should be the incentive you need to get on your Instagram game for your next event. But before you start snapping and filtering promotional images, Event Marketer has some tips to boost Instagram engagement:

  1. Make it public
    Your event’s Instagram account should be public. Think about it, if you want attendees to view your images and share them, why would you hide them?
  2. #hashtags
    Not only do hashtags allow posts to get in front of a larger crowd, but they also help measure its amplification. Try to come up with a hashtag that is unique to your event.
  3. Branding front and center
    Instagram users will take photos at your event, so brand their environment. Attendees and their Instagram followers shouldn’t have to guess who is hosting the event.
  4. Competition
    A hashtag-based Instagram competition in search of the best event photo is an excellent way to get users snapping. Don’t forget to include a prize!

Find out more about improving your Instagram engagement at Event Marketer.