Today’s business events rarely follow the “if you build it, they will come” strategy. Even events that employees are required to attend can have attendance problems (you’d be amazed at the excuses people can come up with if an event looks boring or unnecessary). So the goal of any good event team is to build buzz and excitement for the event so that attendees are happy to come – and even talk about the event with their peers. Here are six steps to creating that kind of important excitement.

1. Create Social Media Events – and Post on Them!

Use your social media platforms to create a separate event – Facebook, LinkedIn, and a myriad of more specific business social networks allow this. You can then use the event page to not only provide important information but also to post regular updates. Anyone that’s signed up or following the page will typically see these updates, so don’t just give the dry details – use the event page to keep people aware of the most exciting parts of an event, and why they should attend.

2. Launch a Contest

We’re not saying that every event has room for a contest, but they are certainly a possibility. From photo contests to best activity ideas, contests are a great way to encourage a little competition and interested in the event. A related option is to plan some sort of competition for the event itself, and then advertise it on social media and encourage people to prepare or train.

3. Ask for Input

We’ve talked before about input and crowdsourcing for your attendees. It doesn’t work well for every decision, but it is a good way to build interest in an event. If attendees know that their decisions and input matter – and can actually changed the course or schedule of an event – they will be much more invested. So ask about event times, favored activities, platforms, times, breaks, special presenters, and more.

4. Start Sending Images of What Awaits at the Event

Images are an excellent way to engage attendees more directly. It’s all abstract until people actually see what awaits. Two great subjects for photos are food and people. When you choose a caterer or meal option, post some pictures of the food that attendees can expect. When you get an exciting presenter, post a picture and what they are known for!

5. Launch a New Awareness Campaign a Week Before

A week out is a great time to ramp up your marketing efforts and start posting more regularly about the event. Send out a few more emails, ask for more responses and clarification, and generally remind everyone that yes, the event is coming up! You may be surprised how many people need the reminder.

6. Advertise Deals, Technology, and Sponsors

Show people what they get for attending! What sort of deals or discounts may be available only at the event? What sort of technology is available – will there be free charging stations, or extra-fast Wi-Fi, or rented tablets to use? Likewise, advertise your most exciting sponsors and what they bring to the table.

For more information on building business events that really buzz, contact our team today and see what services we can offer to help improve your event marketing!