As you may know, first impressions matter. This is especially true when putting on corporate events. The first touch point happens at registration—and could make or break a guest’s experience. You want to have a clear, efficient, and smooth process that will pave the way for an incredible time for everyone.

Many factors contribute to a successful corporate event registration process. But before you go ahead and mark them off your to-do list, you have to put yourself in your guests’ shoes. Picture yourself as someone looking to sign up for this event and then envision a seamless experience. Here are ways to make a great first impression:

Keep the registration form short

Electronic ticketing and registration means efficiency and speed. Along with it, your registration form shouldn’t be too complicated, but rather concise. Don’t burden guests with a long questionnaire, as this can be frustrating and time-consuming. Get down to the must-know details like food allergies, physical-assistance needs, or any other special requests. If you absolutely can’t get away from a long form, split into smaller pieces instead of one giant piece.

Give guests knowledge

Empower your guests with important details about the event beforehand. This way, they can create agendas, be familiar with the location, and be aware of check-in regulations. For instance, if they need parking directions, a QR code for check-in, or specific time frames, inform them ahead of time. This makes it easier for everyone.

Make check-in easy

Offer fast check-in while providing a better experience by getting your guests on the floor as soon as possible. Give pre-registered attendees the chance to check themselves in at kiosks that can also automatically print badges or have badges sent in the mail ahead of time. Or if you have staff, make it easy for them to simply ask for a name or scan a QR code. Make sure there’s enough staff for peak arrival times.

Print badges on-demand

Save trees while minimizing spelling errors by printing badges as soon as someone checks in if you don’t have kiosks. Staff won’t have to waste time searching through piles of badges for one name anymore. Plus, if you get walk-ins, you’ll be able to quickly register them and print their name tags right then and there. No more wasted badges!

Simple floor plans

Corporate events can be confusing enough, so make the floor plan easy to navigate. Traffic flow should lead guests right to registration and beyond. Have an open layout so attendees have enough space to check-in, coordinate, and speak with staff. Don’t hesitate to create an abundance of signage to help!

Working equipment

These days, corporate events aren’t short on technology. This means that everything needs to be running in tip-top shape. That includes wifi, apps, and kiosks. Test your equipment ahead of time to make sure you don’t hit any snags. Even having backup equipment could save you some anxiety.

Have swag bags

If you have materials to hand out to attendees, put it all together in one gift bag. Set them up in rows right in the registration or check-in area. This eliminates the need for staff to hand them out themselves, freeing up their time for other matters. Make sure guests know to take them!

With simple and efficient solutions at your disposal, registration should be a breeze. Say goodbye to long lines, confusing forms, and chaotic check-ins. Guests will be impressed and ready to enjoy your corporate event. Their delightful first impression of you will stay with them for years to come!