There’s no doubt that face-to-face contact during a business event remains an important element when building a customer base. This invaluable offline interaction can mean the difference between a long-lasting relationship and a one-and-done deal. Which would you prefer as a business owner?

While making a onetime sale might seem like a quick fix, building relationships with your customers is much more valuable. Not only will they repeatedly purchase from you, but they’ll also be more inclined to boast about your products to others. So the question becomes: How can you create these kinds of relationships? Easy! Host business events so customers can see the real you.

Business events offer plenty of opportunities to generate buzz around your company. Not only that, but they also:

  • Build trust
  • Generate revenue
  • Solidify thought leadership
  • Strengthen your internal and external community
  • Attract and retain customers
  • Allow you and your employees to have some fun

With all of these fantastic benefits, you may be wondering how to even start. It might seem intimidating, but with the right tools you can easily pull it off. Here are six ways to make a business event successful:

  1. Define its purpose

One of the biggest mistakes companies make when planning events involves not fully laying out a strategy and motive. Realize the “why” when creating a business event. Examples might include attracting new clients, growing your network, or even showing off your new office space.

  1. Start marketing early

People usually need a few points of contact with an individual before they decide to buy. This means you shouldn’t start marketing your event the day tickets go on sale. Instead, make your business event stand out by generating some buzz through useful content. You might host a webinar, offer free courses, or provide helpful videos. Just give people a taste of what’s to come!

  1. Scarcity

There’s a reason why popular artists sell out their tickets within minutes. People know that if they don’t buy theirs as soon as possible, they’ll miss out. That’s why you should only offer a limited number of seats for your event. No matter how much people like the idea, they’ll still wait until the last minute to purchase a ticket. So give people the push they need by creating scarcity.

  1. Connect before the event

Getting up in front of people you’ve never met before can be challenging, especially when you’re trying to make an impact. Eliminate this hurdle by getting in touch with attendees before the big day. You can do this through social media, phone calls, emails, and even handwritten letters. Just thanking them for signing up and/or holding a live Q&A on social media shows your interest in getting to know them.

  1. Make it memorable

Adding a touch of personalization and fun can go a long way at an event. For example, providing a photo booth with crazy props and a professional photographer will make you stand out from the rest. Not only does this encourage laughter and enjoyment, but it also gives people interesting photos to show on social media or their offices.

  1. Follow up

Though you might feel like kicking up your feet and relaxing after an event that took so long to organize, don’t. The day after the event you need to engage further with attendees who might still feel pumped and inspired. It’s a great time for up-selling and solidifying relationships. Even before that, guests should be offered an easy feedback form at the end of your event before they leave for instant testimonials. Get as much as you can during these critical moments!

Planning an event doesn’t have to be as stressful as you think. Simply thinking ahead and exercising some creativity will put you on the road toward success. Remember, business events are a great way to showcase your amazing company to valuable customers and potential clients.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss your next event, please reach out to us today.