Millennials have made a big impact on event planning, and many businesses that serve the industry have shifted their strategies to target this coveted demographic.

According to Adweek, the hotel industry is undergoing a major transition in the hopes of attracting Millennials, but with the rise of never-before-seen competition like Airbnb, countless hotels across the country are implementing revolutionary strategies.

“This is the biggest generation of travelers. They’re larger than boomers or Gen X, and they travel much more, and they’re more passionate about it,” Douglas Quinby, VP of Research at travel research firm Phocuswright told the news site. “They want different things from their travel experience including communal spaces, digital connectivity, and local design touches.”

For example, Marriot recently introduced a new brand of hotels to its portfolio specifically designed to appeal to Millennials. The brand – Moxy Hotels – broke ground in 2015 and trendy hotels with razor sharp design and cutting-edge technology have quickly popped up across the globe. Located in trendy destinations like Munich, Milan, and New Orleans, Moxy Hotels swapped out the traditional front desk for hotel check-in bars, while every location features guaranteed fast and free Wi-Fi.

Meanwhile, Radisson Red – Radisson’s answer to Millennial-focused hotels – takes a DIY approach that allows guests to check-in through an app, and they can even order drinks at the hotel bar remotely.

The branding, color schemes, and layout of Millennial-targeted hotels is completely new and unique, says Fiona O’Donnell, director of travel and leisure research at Mintel. These hotels are lower-cost alternatives, while appearing hip cool, and new.

Read more about Millennial-inspired hotels at Adweek.

Hotels are perfect venues to host events of every size and purpose. The McVeigh Global Meetings and Events team is there from the start sourcing the best properties for your event needs and then turning your dream event into a reality with our award-winning design and production.  Partner with the team at McVeigh Global Meetings and Events today!