If you’re a regular on social media, you’re probably more than familiar with hashtags in your everyday life. But did you know that hashtags are incredibly useful for marketing an event on social media, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram?

According to BrightBull, three event industry hashtags should always be at the forefront of your marketing efforts.

  1. #eventprofs
    The most commonly used hashtag in the events, meetings, and conference industry, #eventprofs offers a direct way to target likeminded event professionals. Once you reach this audience, your event will be on the map and receive a lot of recognition.
  2. #bizbash
    A gold standard for event planning publications, BizBash.com is the most widely-distributed and highly-trusted digital magazine for the entire industry. Drawing attention via #bizbash could land your event on the website with more than 1.5 million annual user sessions.
  3. #meetingprofs

Similar to the #eventprofs hashtag, #meetingprofs reaches a much more targeted audience. Numerous people feel the terms “event” and “meeting” are interchangeable, so you want to ensure you’re not pushing any potential exposure to the wayside.

Learn more about event hashtags at Bright Bull.
Social media marketing is a pivotal part of the event planning process, and the experienced team at McVeigh Global Meetings and Events can help fulfill all your needs. More than 75% of all internet users have a presence on at least one social network, and tapping into this market can yield endless results. Let us show you the way, contact us today!