It seems like today hashtags are everywhere. Whether the hashtag is used to talk about a social movement or celebrity gossip, it is a great tool to utilize when you want to centralize online discussion around a certain topic. But did you know that the hashtag can also be a great way to get people talking about your event? Promoting your event hashtag

Why Event Hashtags Are Important

There are a few reasons why you should create an event hashtag and promote it before, during, and after your event:

Event hashtags help brand the event, giving it a unique identity and helping build exposure. The more people that talk about your event using the hashtag, the more exposure your brand receives.

They also help build a community that allows people to connect on something that they both care about. This also allows people who could not make it still be a part of the conversation.

Hashtags are also a good way to catalog what happens at the event and allow those that couldn’t attend to see what happened.

A popular event hashtag can help keep the conversation going long after the event ends. Brands can keep connecting with those who used the hashtag and encourage attendees to do the same.

When developing an event hashtag, it is important to keep a few things in mind. The hashtag should be short and easy to remember that way guests will be more likely to use it. The hashtag should also be relevant and unique to the event to ensure that the only conversation revolving around the hashtag deals directly with your event.

Ways to Promote Your Event Hashtag

Once you have created a unique, branded hashtag, it is time to communicate the hashtag to your audience and promote it at your event. Here are a few ways that you can promote your event hashtag and encourage attendees to use it:

-Announce the hashtag in pre-event materials. Any communication you send out before the event such as newsletters, emails, or social media content should announce and ask attendees to utilize the hashtag.

-Make it visible. Make the event hashtag visible on the event website, social media channels, event signage, presentations, and any other event materials. Remind visitors to use it at any opening or group event sessions.

-Ask sponsors or vendors to use the hashtag. Any event sponsors or vendors at the event can use the hashtag to engage attendees while at the event or in their own social media activity.

-Encourage speakers to use the hashtag during presentations. Speakers and presenters can use the hashtag to take questions or ask visitors to share their favorite parts of the presentation.

-Use during games and other events. Use the hashtag during games, such as scavenger hunts or ice breaker events. If you give prizes to the game winners, this will encourage more people to participate and use the hashtag.