You’ve finalized the speaker list, booked the venue, met with the caterer, and even ordered some awesome event swag for your attendees. Now what? No matter how much planning or purchasing you have done for your event, it will not be a success unless you tell people about it. Though there are many marketing channels that you can use to promote your event, one that is often overlooked is email marketing. Even with all the buzz around social media, email marketing is still a very powerful tool for reaching out to those you’d like to attend your event.

Why Email Marketing is Important

Email marketing helps you keep in touch with customers and spread the word about your event. Not only is this tactic cost effective, but it is also customizable, allowing you to make personal connections with those who are interested in attending your event. Email marketing campaigns are also relatively easy to launch and track. There are a number of email marketing services that you can use to create attractive, branded emails and manage your email list. Many of these same services allow you to track how many people are opening your emails, clicking on your links, and registering for your event.

What’s great about email marketing is that you can easily integrate this tactic into your overall marketing campaign for the event. For instance, you can use social media and your website to collect email addresses so that you can send out event information, updates, and reminders about registration deadlines. Your event emails will help keep those who are interested engaged while generating excitement about your upcoming event.

Email Marketing Tips

As you begin to develop and launch your event email marketing campaign, use the following tips to make your event emails a success:

  • Personalize your emails. Use the recipient’s first name to make the email feel more personal. You can do this in the subject line or greeting, just make sure that you don’t overuse it throughout the email message.
  • Use a simple and specific subject line. People are much more likely to open an email if they know what information is inside. Choose a straight-forward, yet compelling subject line.
  • Keep email content short. Your recipients are much more likely to read the entire email if it is short and easy to read. Use headings and bullet points to distill information down and make it able to be quickly scanned.
  • Use a natural and inviting tone. Most people don’t respond as well to overly salesy language as they would a more conversational tone. Don’t try to sell to prospective attendees, instead have a conversation.

As you begin to create a marketing plan for your next event, don’t forget to include email marketing as one of your tactics. It’s another way that you can get people excited for your event and send out important reminders.  If you need help crafting messages that get your guests and attendees talking and building buzz, Fourth Wall Event’s event design team is here to help you out.